15% off Paughco Parts (Some exclusions apply)


Gift card

Buy a gift card for someone or yourself. Gift cards are delivered by email and have instructions on how to redeem the gift card at checkout.
  • Items in stock will be dispatched within 2 business days. Once shipped, you will receive an order confirmation email with a tracking number.

    For items *built to order, shipping times may vary. To inquire about specific shipping times for custom orders or for products you are interested in, please contact us at info@paughco.com or call 1-800-426-2621.

    *Built-to-order items include Frames, Springers, Gas Tanks, Oil Tanks, Trike Products, and any product currently out of stock. If an item you've ordered is on backorder, you will be notified within 2 business days of placing your order.

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